Sunday, February 12, 2006

Let It Snow--Please!

There's just something fundamentally wrong with it being this cold, with snow "flurries" and still not having anything to show for it.

For the last twenty-four hours it's been bitterly cold, windy and little bits of white stuff have fallen from the sky, only to melt instantly.

This afternoon, hubby and I went out for a cheapo lunch (Wendy's Super Value Menu) and a walk at a local mall. I dressed in many I looked like one of the South Park characters. And I was still frassing COLD. I don't know about anyone else, but I have a difficult time even putting together a coherent thought when I'm that cold.

I wouldn't mind all this winter weather so much if it would actually snow and we'd have a nice winter wonderland to look at for a day or so. But nothing, zip, nada. Just the bleak grayness that is the deep south in winter. Even the birds are dull. Except the cardinals. They're a very pretty red.

Yesterday was the monthly Georgia Romance Writers meeting. I got there a little late because, as usual, I was running around like a decapitated chicken trying to do twenty things at once. At least I got there. The speaker was Anna DeStefano one of our members who spoke on improvization and creativity. I came home and finished fleshing out the prologue to Opus #5 and began work on Chaper One.

After I stop procrastinating, I'm going to get back to work... gee, I wonder what the origins of the word procrastination are? I think I'll check Google....

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