Friday, February 10, 2006

Random Pix

I'm still bleeding over my workshop submission. But I thought I'd take a break and post some random pictures. The one above was taken on Hollywood boulevard. Mr. Jingle Bell Bunny here proves Hollywood isn't inhabited by only the Beautiful People! I took the picture because a writer acquaintance of mine is writing a book titled "A Bad Hare Day". He seems to fit the description quite nicely, don't you think?
Still in keeping with the animal theme, we move on to the Veggie Tails. These cute little guys were created by some of the chefs on the Sapphire Princess. My favorite is either the Eggplant Squirrel or the Pineapple Rooster.
Ahh, yes, furbabies...don't you just love them? This is Buffy the Mouse Slayer, AKA Princess Predator. Here, she's taking a much needed rest after attacking and dispatching a rogue paper towel that dared cross her path.
This is the infamous Rockhead Roxy, laying in her favorite spot downstairs--on the sofa--where she KNOWS she's not supposed to be.
This next photo is of some of my extended family. Far right is my dear Uncle Justin. He's my late dad's big brother and has become a surrogate dad to me. He's 91 years young and still does complicated chemistry and math problems to keep his mind sharp. Next to him are his three sons. The one standing next to me, Bill, is my buddy. We have a great time joking around. Next to him is Jon. Jon and I share a birthday. The one on the far left is Jim. Jim is the quiet one of the bunch. It's kind of hard to get a word in edgewise when you're the father of FOUR boys!! Notice how short I am compared to those Vikings???
Last but not least, my beautiful daughters. DD, the Elder is on the left. She's still single, guys. ;-) My baby is married though, so paws off.

Okay, breaktime over...back to work.

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