Wednesday, February 15, 2006

All With The Best of Intentions

Sometimes people have the best intentions to give you "help", but the results are more work for you.

Such is the case of the iron skillets.

Several months back, I stopped at the Lodge Cast Iron Store in South Pittsburg, TN. and bought an 8" skillet and a 12" skillet, brought them home and have spent weeks lovingly "seasoning" them. Each time I used them, I'd wash them without soap, dry them over a hot flame to sanitize them and wipe them down with oil, then let them cool down.

Yesterday, a member of the household who shall remain nameless, (but you who know me KNOW who I'm referring to) decided to "help" with kitchen duties by filling and running the dishwasher, then cooking dinner.

I went down to the kitchen this morning to make coffee for the am writing session. My favorite cup is my Borders Cafe' insulated commuter cup with lid. It was in the dishwasher. I opened the door and peered inside.

There were my once beautiful, black, shiny cast iron skillets, now rusted and gray. I didn't know whether to scream, faint or throw up.

I bent at the waist, took several long, deep breaths--in thru the nose, out thru the mouth-- and when the darkness had faded from around my peripheral vision, I removed the injured skillets from the dishwasher and plunked them on the stove.

My first instinct was to grab the filleting knife so handy in the block near my left hand, run upstairs and gut the perpetrator.

But, a cup of decaf calmed me down--somewhat--and a chat with an online buddy who is also a longtime user of fine cast ironware, convinced me that this was not an act of vandalism, but one of "helpfulness". "An A for effort and an F for Stupid" is what she said...

then recommended a bath of lard or bacon drippings and an all day low temp roast in the oven. For the skillets--not the perpetrator.


Cinthia Hamer said...

I'll give you two guesses and the first one doesn't count...

See you tonight? I think I'll make some scones to share...They will NOT be baked in the injured skillet.

Hockey Mom said...

YIKES! Bastage!

Sorry I'm going to miss the scones, the rate my brother is going, I'm going to grind him up and make him into something.

Mouse said...

I have to hand it to you for NOT putting him in the bacon grease and frying him in the oven at low heat.. or at least whacking him over the head once with the rusty pan. DOH! This is why I'm glad mine just stays the heck out of the kitchen unless he's getting coffee.