…Barry Bonds is a world-class JERK.
Why am I saying this, you ask? As most of you who follow pop-culture news are aware, Mr. Bonds is within one home run of breaking Babe Ruth’s all time record.
Last night, when he hit #713, the ball landed at the feet of Carlos Oliveras, an airman 1st class in the United States Air Force.
Oliveras, a long time Barry Bonds and Phillies fan, purchased tickets to the three day homestand in hopes of seeing the record broken. When Oliveras asked Bonds to sign the ball, Bonds just smirked at him and said no. He doesn’t sign balls when fans catch them.
What happened to ball players being heroes? Nowadays, most of them refuse to give autographs or pose with fans for pictures unless money is waved in their faces first. Not even for a member of the armed services who is defending the freedom and security of this country so egomanics like Bonds can continue wallowing in all the glory they enjoy. You’d think they’d be just a tad grateful for that, wouldn’t you?
But, it’s all about the money. They don’t give a horse’s heiney about the fans who pay their seven-figure salaries by purchasing tickets and going to the games, or the kids who look up to them as role-models.
Instead, they choose to prostitute themselves by selling that which should be given away out of the goodness of their hearts.
I stopped going to baseball games years ago after seeing the level to which some players stoop to feed their over-inflated egos. The steroid use scandal being a major part of that as well as the baseball card trade shows where players come and sit at a table and only sign cards or allow photos to be taken for a fee.
Barry Bonds, in my not so humble opinion, is nothing more than one of many steroid-enhanced, big-headed hemorrhoids on the posterior of what used to be a really good game.
So, pedal your goods someplace else, Barry, this non-fan ain’t buying.