Saturday, February 16, 2008

First Kisses

Do you remember your first kiss?

I do, and I still get all swoony inside. I was a freshman, and Tony was a junior. Little did I know he had a reputation. Back when, he'd have been called a "rake".

Tony had some sort of built-in radar for the weak impala of the herd. High school terrified me, and I spent most of my time skulking around corners and hiding behind a book.

I didn’t have a lot of self-confidence back then, but I was a born flirt, and my inner flirty-girl had just gone into hiding for a while. Tony brought her back out into the sunlight. I soaked up his attention like a sunflower soaks up UV rays.

We’d flirt, banter, and I’d get all worked up, and then he’d disappear for days at a time--working his magic on some other girl, I later discovered.

Just when I thought it would never happen, it did. I was sitting on the bench of a stone planter in our quad area, reading. Out of nowhere, a voice whispered in my ear, I turned toward it, and there was Tony. He pressed his lips to mine and I was so astonished my jaw sagged open.

My first kiss…and it was in French!

Tony, I must say, was an excellent kisser. He set the bar so high, most of the guys I kissed after him never measured up. When he kissed me (and every other girl he kissed) he gave it 110%. No half-hearted, dry pecks—ever. But I never had to keep a Kleenex handy to wipe up the drool, either. And he left my tonsils intact. He was the Mary Poppins of kissers; Practically Perfect in Every Way.

We never dated, but Tony and I would sneak every possible opportunity to kiss. We’d lock lips in the library, behind the bleachers at Home Plate, in the gloomy hallway in front of my locker. One time, he even caught me unawares coming out of the girl’s bathroom. There we’d be, arms and legs tangled together until I couldn’t stand the tension a moment longer and I’d break away. It never went beyond kissing and some adolescent “feel ups”, but I loved it. I wasn’t allowed to date, so I didn’t have a problem with him not wanting to be my boyfriend. I was content with our secret liaisons.

Then, we were found out. Not by a teacher or some other adult, but by one of Tony’s other girls. She didn’t say a word. But I began finding unsigned notes in my locker warning me to leave Tony alone. Well, how in Hades can you leave someone alone when they won’t leave you alone?

I managed to ferret out that my rival was a girl named Tina. I showed Tony the notes. He just shrugged and said Tina had been smoking too much pot and was paranoid. I told him to leave me alone anyway.

Bless his heart, he did as I asked.

The following year, when I’d experienced being dumped by a boy for the first time, it was Tony who came to the rescue. He picked up the pieces of my broken, teenaged heart and glued them back together with kisses and tender touches.

By my senior year, I’d swirled through the male sex like grasshoppers through a wheat field. I learned a hard lesson; never date guys you go to school with. Living in San Diego, I had my pick of thousands of guys stationed at the Naval Training Center (aka The Zoo) Miramar Naval Air Station and Camp Pendleton. I enjoyed them, each and every one.

Tony had joined the US Army after graduating and I’d all but forgotten him. Then, one day he showed up on my doorstep, all handsome in his dress greens. He was in town visiting family and he thought of me.

We spent an entire afternoon and evening talking, going through my yearbooks and flirting. He met my family for the first time and had dinner with us.

Then he kissed me one last time and was gone from my life forever.

Do you remember your first kiss? Was it a wonderful experience that you cherish? Or do you still cringe at the memory?


Anonymous said...

Oh great topic. Well my first kiss was shared with my two younger sisters...ewwww! This charming and obviously smart boy named Shawn talked me and my sisters into a kissing contest. He said it was to see who was the best kisser. I was in the 4th grade and realised I would never share again. lol

Gwen Hayes said...

oh that was fabulous.

My first kiss was nothing special. Probably why I want to write YA, lol. So I can make up better ones.

Unknown said...

Oh my first kiss?? Wow there is an interesting topic.

Do I remember... well to be honest... Nope... rofl.. I do remember who it would have been... but the guy wasn't the nicest guy and both my mom and myself were thrilled when he was gone from my life....

However there is one first kiss that was spectacular... I married that one.. and 23 years after that first kiss.. they are still pretty spectacular...

Chrissy said...

His name was Kenny. He was in my class at Mary Poppins kindergarten. He wasn't afraid to touch frogs.

He kissed me next to the big oak tree. He smelled like Ivory soap and was very nice about it, so I didn't slug him.

I came home that night and told my parents I had a boyfriend. My mother vapor-locked when I said it was Kenny. He was the only black boy at school. My father thought her freak-out was hysterical.

I lost track of him after kindergarten, what with the pressures of 1st grade and all... sigh... good times, good times...

Cinthia Hamer said...

Oh, what fun stories. :-)

Kelly, I'm sorry you don't have good memories of your first kiss. Kind of reminds me of my first something else, but we won't go there! LOL! Glad Mr. Heat is still keeping it hot, though. *wink, wink*

Chrissy, I about burst an artery laughing at your story. What a riot. I can SO see my dad doing something like that.

Traci, don't you just know that right now, Shawn is still out there doing that some stuff??? Where do they learn it? I'm so glad I didn't have boys.

Cinthia Hamer said...

Gwen, sorry, I hit the wrong button there.

I think it's a great idea to write stories targeted to younger girls. I mean, they're going to get an education on kissing, and all the rest one way or another, so why not give them positive messages?

Keep writing!

Molly McLain said...

I don't remember the details of my first actual kiss, but I do recall quite vividly those surrounding it. :) His name was John and he and I used to meet at a "secret" place in the woods, between his house and mine, on our bikes every day during the summer and some evenings after school. This was a good mile for each of us and we were only ten--what were our mothers thinking!

Anyway, we'd been "buds" since Pre-K, so when he showed up at our spot one day with one of those frog "Kiss Me" cards (you held your thumb on a little square and it would turn color to indicate what kind of kisser you were), I was petrified, however also intrigued. He kept bringing that card along until finally I mustered up enough courage to just kiss him. :) Then my memories skip to laying in a field of daisies and dandelions with him (I was 12 at that time--mamas watch your daughters!) and him teaching me how to French kiss. *Sigh* The next summer, he showed me a lot more at the ripe old age of 13 in that very field. Not exactly proud of that, but yet I'd never trade my story for something less memorable.

Christa Maurice said...

You know, I have totally blocked the memory of my first kiss. I know it must have been my first real boyfriend at a drive in, but the specifics are fuzzy. It was probably during the movie Mannequin, who wouldn't want to block that out!

Rest assured I have made up for it later, but that will have to wait for your blog on best kisses!

Michelle said...

Hmm.. depends what type of kisses really! There were very innocent kisses when I was quite young.. a rather interesting encounter at about 14, when I suddenly realised how naive I still was.. and quite possibly my best kiss ever, in a nightclub, aged about 19! (I'll spare you the embarrassing details!)

Unfortunately, I wouldn't describe hubby as a great kisser, but that's ok, 'cause he makes up for it in other ways! lol

Cinthia Hamer said...

Ooh, Ally. I'd say you're way ahead of the Bell Curve. A longterm relationship before you even got to high school. Amazing.

Barefoot, I remember that movie! Kim Cattrall, right? LOL! My only memory of it was the mannequin going up the conveyor belt to the grinder.

Michelle, hold on just a minute, said "quite interesting". Okay, now SPILL! We want to hear all about it! LOL!

Tami Brothers said...

Too funny!!!

Yes I remember mine and it wasn't all that great. Think Wyoming Cowboy who chews (yes, even at fifteen). Yuck!!!

Anyway, just wanted to let you know that I tagged you to list 6 unimportant things we didn't know about you. Check out my blog for more details...

And have fun!!!


Lauren Murphy said...

Wow that was an excellent story. *sigh* Mine wasn't all that romantic but it wasn't terrible. I was so young I can't even remeber how young I was, grade school I believe. And the boy was a friend, we had a little puppy love thing going on at the time. It was actually kind of cute.