Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I've Been Tagged

By Tami Brothers

Now, I have to tell you all 6 UNimportant things about myself.

1. I had Lasik surgery on my eyes about 8 years ago. Before I had it, I was so blind I couldn't be fitted with soft contact lenses...they don't make them that strong.

2. Like Tami, at one point in my childhood, I lived in a camp trailer...but it was because my dad was building our house at the time.

3. I wrote my first "novel" when I was 11. On notebook paper. And I kept it in a 3-ring binder. It was horrible, but I wish I still had it. I'd love to see how my writing has evolved over the decades.

4. I still have my appendix.

5. I've never memorized the multiplication tables. I know, shame on me...

6. I can say "I love you" in 5 languages.

Okay, so now Michelle, Traci, Lauren, Christine , Gwen, and Ally, you've been tagged...


Kristen Painter said...

1. Me too.
2. Lived on a houseboat, does that count?
3. I have mine. It was...not good. But funny.
4. You mean like in a jar?
5. Me either. Sigh.
6. Very cool.

Tami Brothers said...

Cool, Cinthia!!!

It's amazing how comfortable you can be in one of those campers. Although, by the time I was a Junior in high school (and because there were five of us in my family) I was soooo over it!!!!

Hey Kristen - I like the idea of a houseboat. Were you on a lake or ocean???


Michelle said...

Thanks for the tag.. I think! LOL
Just off to see what I can think of...

Cinthia Hamer said...

Tami, there were 4 of us...and this was an old Airstream. You know, the kind with the shiny aluminum outside? We had no proper bathroom...just a toilet in a closet. For everything else, we used the kitchen sink. I was so young, I can barely remember it, but I can imagine my sister hated it.

Kristen, not in a jar, though I did get to see my tonsils in one! My appendix is still firmly attached to its proper location.

Michelle, can't wait to see what you've written.

Michelle said...

Sorry if mine weren't very interesting! hehe

Anonymous said...

Thanks for tagging me. I will now bore you to death. lol