Monday, April 17, 2006


Mondays are always a good day to start something new. Since I've been on a junk food binge, lo, these many weeks, I thought I'd do something positive to start the week and do a "detox".

My "breakfast" this morning consisted of a lemon and an orange, a good sized sprig of parsley, 1 oz of olive oil, ginger, cayenne, black pepper and cinnamon all whizzed up in the blender. I followed that with a glass of lemon/cinnamon water.

My meals will consist of large salads with 4 oz. of protein and a dressing made of garlic, olive oil and lemon juice.

I get to snack on carrot and celery sticks.


I figure if I can stick to this for a week, I'll be doing good. You're supposed to do it for 10 days.

If I survive the first week, I'll do a second week before my birthday in June.

And for some reason, I woke up yesterday feeling "whiplashed". Don't know where that came from. No recent car accidents (other than Dear Cousin whacking a deer while I was a passenger in the vehicle). Anyway, since I already possess the pills the doc would shove at me for the problem, I'm just taking care of it on my own.

So, right now, I'm in recovery mode.

The weather has been so gorgeous the past week or so, that I'm almost afraid of what our summer will be like....

The word sweltering comes to mind.

Speaking of the weather, it's been great for plants. My hostas are up with leaves unfurled and the babies I adopted from Cousin Jon are all growing nicely. One little veronica plant even has flowers.

Now, I just need to get my raised beds built for the tomatoes and peppers.


Mouse said...

While walking around the Ren fest yesterday I was thinking the same thing- if its this hot now, I'd better start saving up for the huge electric bills this summer. I figure by next month we'll be able to fry eggs on the sidewalk.

Michelle said...

Aww Cindy - I hope your neck settles soon.. and 'enjoy' your detox!

And if you guys don't want your nice warm weather, you could send some sun our way.. we were a bit low on really nice summer days last year.