Thursday, February 09, 2006

Well, That's one for the Book

I can cross off another item on my "Life List" wasn't really on there in the first place, but it was something I'd never done, so what the heck?Last night, I got stuck for an hour in an elevator with 15 other people!!! Hubby and I had gone to Atlanta for a scotch tasting event at the Apparel Mart and afterward we stepped into the elevator to leave along with fourteen other participants. We got down about 12 floors and the danged thing stopped...just like that, between floors.The guy nearest the control panel picked up the telephone and the person on the other end asked us what state and city we were in!! Yikes! Scary enough to be stuck in an elevator, but to think that the person on the other end of your lifeline may be in oh, Pakistan, for instance, doesn’t exactly leave one rife with confidence.

After waiting for half an hour, while the security guards alternately laughed at us (it was a glass elevator, thank God or I'd probably be in the psych unit at Grady right now) and ignored us, one of the passengers got so fed up he called 911. Within four minutes, we heard the sirens. And the security guard’s expression went from smug and snotty to “Well Hell, now I’m gonna have to write a report. Just damn.” Once the fire department arrived, they had the elevator pulled up to the nearest floor and the doors opened within fifteen minutes.So, a little excitement in an otherwise average day...

I discovered that not all scotches are alike. Blended (malt and grain whisky) vs: pure malt. I’ve decided I like the cheaper stuff(blended) better and now I know why. The barley that makes up the malt is roasted over peat fires and that’s what gives it that characteristic “smokey” taste. (To me it just tastes like paint thinner).

And I am now an official member of the Johnny Walker Striding Man Society. I’m not quite sure what perks there are to this besides getting bombarded with email yet, but if I come across anything of interest, I’ll be sure to post it.

Red Margarita Anyone?

Fill a tall glass (12 oz.) with ice cubes.
Pour in 1 jigger Johnny Walker Red Label Scotch Whisky
4 oz. Jose Cuervo margarita mix
1 oz. cranberry juice
A splash of lemon lime soda


Anonymous said...

Hmmm too bad our company wasn't monitoring that elevator, we would have had the fire department out their for you... sorry about that ... I would have been a little batty myself...

I'm enjoying your site....

Cinthia Hamer said...

Thanks, Kelly! :)