Saturday, December 17, 2005


Let's just say I don't "do" coffee very well.

I had two cups of caramel toffee coffee this morning while I was chatting online and I'm still wide awake.

In less than 12 hours I have to be at my handspinners guild meeting and I'll be there sleep deprived. How fun.

I did get a few things accomplished today, though.

I bagged up 6 pounds of white suri alpaca to sell tomorrow. If I can sell the whole lot, it will be a nice chunk of change--which I can definitely use.

I also got a few bobbins of nice soft yarn spun up. It will be dyed black and made into fingerless mitts for DD the Younger.

Nothing going on the writing front except cogitating on the next novel. It'll be a spin-off of this last one. Couldn't help it, as the main character's best friend kept stealing the scenes. I had to promise her her own book so she'd shut up.

Ok, off to shove the dogs off the bed and see if I can get some shut-eye.


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