Monday, January 28, 2008

I Enjoy Being A Girl

When I have a brand new hairdo
With my eyelashes all in curl,
I float as the clouds on air do,
I enjoy being a girl!

~~Rodgers& Hammerstein

I’ve always been a “girly-girl”. Even as a child, I’d wash my hands frequently while making mudpies and I insisted that my Sabbath dresses be bought at an exclusive child’s boutique and not the local department store.

But life has a funny way of changing our priorities.

I grew up, got married and had children of my own. Suddenly, the money I was spending on feminine indulgences, went to buy things like diapers, Onesies, and carseats.

I never complained. In fact, it wasn’t long before the girly-girl turned inward and I became quite content wearing mom jeans, stained t-shirts and tennies from K-Mart. I got my haircuts at “chop shops” and my cosmetics came from the dollar store.

It’s only been recently that attention has been called to my lack of fashion sense. Both of my now adult daughters felt it necessary to stage an intervention.

How sad is that???

Once I was forced to face the awful truth, I embraced change-and dollars…lots of them. (Insert horrified husband’s expression here.)

I’ve become obsessed it seems, with all the girly-girl accoutrements that I’d forgone for so long-as if I’m making up for lost time.

I get my hair cut at a rather Ritzy salon—and get highlights, too. My hair has never looked better.

I have “nails”, which require bi-weekly maintenance.

I can’t pass the Sephora store at the mall without going in…and coming out with a bag of goodies-and a credit card snapping with static.

I wear perfume-with a name that can be recognized.

My morning regimen, which used to take thirty minutes, now takes an hour and fifteen minutes. (I’ve timed it.)

I wear these really nifty jeans that fit well below my waistline and are a full two sizes smaller than my old mom-jeans.

I’ve developed a passion for jackets…you know, those little accessory things worn over tops and trousers?

I have a wardrobe of handbags.

I own more than one pair of shoes.

I wear pretty bras that fit properly. (You have no idea how much this one thrills me!)

My underwear is more flirty than practical.

I know all this sounds ridiculous to a lot of you reading this, but I’m really enjoying this stage of my life. I’m still relatively young.

Notice I said relatively. I’m no young chick, by any means, but I’ve still got a lot of life to live and this transformation from dud to diva has put a new spring in my step and a smile on my face.

I face the mirror each morning and I smile at myself as I smooth on the moisturizer.

Sometimes, all it takes is a little surface work to improve what’s underneath.


Two Voices Publishing said...

Good for you, Cinthia! I'm working on it. I'm still in the Mom jeans mode at this point. It just never seems like there's enough time to primp, so I don't. I was never the girly-girl, but I could use a little more fluff and flirt in my life.

J Perry Stone said...
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J Perry Stone said...

I love what you said about working over the outside to help smooth what's underneath.

I'd add to that, the necessary balm of good friends.

And let me just say, Cinthia, if you were a face cream, you'd be that really expensive French one.


Cinthia Hamer said...

Jennifer, Good for you! At least you're working on it and didn't need an intervention! LOL!

Julianne, you're such a sweetie! I love your guts! :-)

Bethanne said...

aw, good for you, Cinthia! I'm in the mom stage but I feel good... I've decided to work some pounds off, you know?! The makeup will have to come later... :D

Gwen Hayes said...

I getting there...we do go through that phase where we lose ourselves. Used to be, I couldn't wear non-matching bra/panties. Now...egads.

Shelley Munro said...

Good for you, Cinthia! I've never been a girly-girl but I still like to get out of my casual jeans sometimes :)

Michelle said...

I don't think I've ever been a girly girl. That's not to say I can't be smart, but it's usually more to do with comfort, and saving money, especially whilst still in that mummy stage!

And yes, I agree.. from what I've seen in the photos, your hair is looking lovely. :)

Cinthia Hamer said...

Morgan, I could do with losing a few lb's myself. Good for you for making the time to do that for yourself. When the girls were little, I did good to get out the door with matching shoes! Makeup, fugedaboudit! LOL!

Gwen, IKWYM about "losing yourself". It's so totally true, and on so many levels. It took me til I was in my late 30's to realize it had happened, but much longer to try and do anything about it.

Shelly, even being a GG, I love my jeans. I don't dress up very well. I makes me nervous if I do too often or for too long. Go figure! LOL!

Aww, thanks, Michelle, I try! I'm thinking you've got an inner GG lurking. Since you're in Mummy Mode right now, she's probably waiting patiently until Beth and Amy are old enough, then she'll show up one day. Look out Glen! LOL!

Unknown said...

.. good to see you feeling so good about YOU!

I'm so not into make up... can't be bothered, didn't like at 16, didn't like it at 26, nor 36.... at 42 I'm still not in the mood... LOL we will talk again at 46... but it's not looking like a go...

Purses... oh I couldn't live with out at least the 6 basic ones I have... (dh doesn't know about all of the ones hidden in the closet, probably 10.. Shhhhhh..... )

Shoes... I hate shoes!!!! I have several pairs.. only cause I hate them and change them often in hopes of a better pair... nope... shoes are shoes... give me grass between the toes!

Oh Cloths.. I love my mom jeans and shorts when it's warm.... I'm not into fancy and frilly.... dressing up is fun once in awhile... but I'd rather have my jeans....

I will admit that the hair is thing for me, a new hair cut always makes me feel great! I'm proud to say that I have kicked the ponytail habit that was way out of control during the young mother stage... boy am I glad thats over.... LOL

Cinthia Hamer said...

Kelly, I could cheerfully be a Hobbit, except that I love, love, love pretty shoes and the way they make the legs look. Notice I said "pretty shoes"? Crunchy Granola Birkenstocks need not apply. LOL!

Did I ever tell you about my cousin? She was a Beauty Queen back in the day and was so used to wearing those pointy-toed pumps with the three inch heels that she used to even do her gardening in them! Seriously! And nobody get the notion to steal this character, she's all MINE! LOL!

Anyhoo, despite the great job they did areating her lawn, her podiatrist told her she'd have to stop wearing them and go to sneakers or he'd have to do surgery on her Achilles tendon. Ooops! Me thinks that's taking the Girly-Girl thing a bit to far.

Unknown said...

If I wore three inch heals, I'd need surgery all right...

On my face!

Cinthia Hamer said...

I think there's a definite learning curve to wearing those things. Someone told me you have to carry your weight back on your heels...and you have to practice.

But I can't help getting the heebie-jeebies when I wear them, especially if I have to navigate stairs. I have a vision of me pitching headfirst and landing in a heap at the bottom.

AlanaStevens said...

Do I get to take credit for this???

Of course, now Daddy can curse me for the sudden disappearance of your disposable income. Hmmm.

Cinthia Hamer said...

Of course, my darling daughter...well, half of it, anyway. Your sister gets half as well. She's been at me, too. :-)

Michelle said...

I'm with Kelly on the heels.. I just can't walk in them!

Hope you're feeling a bit better!!

Carol Burnside aka Annie Rayburn said...

Doesn't sound ridiculous to me. How are we to feel sexy if we don't pamper ourselves? You go, girl!