Saturday, April 28, 2007

Lady Cinthia's Bower

Once upon a time there was a beautiful, but sad lady. She was sad because there wasn't a single room in the castle she could call her own. She dearly wanted a place to dream, to escape from the cares of work-a-day life and to write down the wonderful stories that lived in her imagination.

The Lord of the castle, being a somewhat enlightened man, noticed his lady wife's sadness and asked what he could do to cheer her up. "I want a place of my own," she said.

While he went about his lordly duties he thought of what might please his lady and one day he found the perfect solution. He would build her a lovely bower.

And build it he did, with his own two hands and all the tools at his disposal.

Upon seeing it, his lady wife showered him with kisses and proclaimed it the most beautiful bower in all the land. She thanked her lord husband with great enthusiasm and from that day forth, whenever weather permitted, she spent time every day inside her beautiful bower, listening to the birds sing, dreaming her dreams and writing the wonderful stories of her imagination.


Hockey Mom said...

Cindy, it is beautiful! How lucky you are and what a sweet man.

Janice in GA said...

That's a pretty nifty bower! Wish I had something like that.

Michelle said...

Aww! Cute story! As long as the wireless works out there, and the beautiful lady can still chat to her beautiful friend! ;-)

Looks good! :)

Unknown said...

How lovely... both the bower and the tale....