Every year since I joined Peachtree Handspinners Guild, I've volunteered to help at our booth at the Georgia Renaissance Festival.
I always have a vague "Brigadoon" feeling about me. The village only come to life once a year. This time the year was 1531 and King Henry VIII and his new bride Queen Anne Boleyn are visiting Newcastle.
Above, you can see a picture of me with my wheel, spinning "teal wool". Sadly, only a few of the villagers and the visitors actually got the pun!

This next picture is, from left, my daughter, Summer, myself, and Summer's friend, Jen, who came to visit me while they were in the village. Look in the background and you'll see the antique loom, still in fine working order that graces our booth. This year, the weaving was dishcloths. They'll be raffled off later this year to raise money for the guild.

This is Jen modeling the dress that she had made for her. I think she looks quite the fetching maiden in it! But I teased her about either being a fever victim or a witch with her short-cropped hair! :)

What would a village be without a dragon? And someone to master him?

This little fellow obviously escaped from his television commercials long enough to visit the village and rather than floating around on a lawn chair, he has his trusty steed to take him where he wants to go.

Here you can see King Henry and Queen Anne as they parade through the village, waving and greeting their subjects.

On hand to protect their majesties are the Three Musketeers, who don't need a reason, only a place to knock swords with the Cardinal and his henchmen. (Below)

In the picture above, behind the Cardinal's henchmen, you can see Mother and Father Goose's cottage. Little children from all over come to pet the geese and ducks, which is very entertaining for us spinsters.
All in all, it was a very fine day, though I sweltered in my heavy skirts. Next year, I hope to visit more than just one day. I love going around to all the stalls to see what wondrous things the village craftsmen and women have made to sell.
So, do you have a Renaissance Festival where you live? Have you visited? What do you like best?
I would LOVE to go to somewhere like that.. it looks so much fun! I know that places like Hever Castle do it on a MUCH smaller scale. Also, there's a little Saxon section in wildlife park near us, and they sometimes have displays. Beth was overawed by the guy talking about weapons.. and she loved holding a *real* sword!
Aww...you'd *think* being ENGLAND, of all places, you wouldn't be able to swing a deat rat without hitting some sort of midaeval fair, or ren fest or something...
Look up SCA...Society for Creative Anachronism...they might have a chapter over there that could point you in the right direction.
Looks like you had fun, Cindy and your costume looked great on you.
Loved the photos Cindy! We also have a Renaissance Festival that sets up shop in Northern NY in July. Though I've never been, both my kids have and they've returned a number of times, always having a good time and good food.
Sorry, I had to publish anonymous ... I couldn't remember my password! Aargh!
Good job, Partner. Having a good time, were you?
Cindi spends a lot of time spinning threat or a good tale.
Mary marvella
Cindi spends a lot of time spinning threat or a good tale.
spinning thread. Oops!
Great pictures - You look very authentic. Beautiful dress!
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