Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Demons and Addictions

Have you ever had a chore that was so daunting, so overwhelming, even though you KNOW it needs to be done, you just don't want to face it?

That's what I'm looking at. And the demon is my bedroom closet. Let's just get it out right now...I AM NOT MARTHA. My closet looks like a windstorm came through it..and that's on a good day.

But at BJ's the other day we found a closet organizer system for a mere $39.00. That is about half of what I have found for the absolute bottom of the line cheapest closet racks at Lowe's or HD.

Dh told me on Sunday as we were looking at them; "If you can get your closet cleaned out by Friday, we'll come and get this system and I'll install it for you." What's that corny old joke? The one about "free ham"???

I know there are others out there who've confessed to this predeliction...a love affair with stationary supplies. How many others are willing to raise their hands and admit that when they set foot inside Office Depot or Staples, their heartrate speeds up, their palms get a little clammy, their face flushes? It's just like a clandestine meeting with a lover, isn't it? And those slick paper catalog with all the color photos the companies send out...oh my! Is it getting hot in here or is it just me?

I confess that the sight of Post It's makes my breath catch in my throat. Fondling pens and mechanical pencils causes a sigh of rapture. Desktop organizers, reams of copy paper, highlighers, correction fluid--or better yet, correction tape! All of them have me enthralled.

Okay, so what's your secret addiction? I know a few of you are going to say the LYS....okay, but is there anything else you're secretly smitten with?


Mouse said...

I'm also an office supply junkie.. I love places like Staples & Office Depot too and the only reason I actually liked going back to school was to be able to buy new binders, paper,& pens.

My second weird addiction would be bags.. I love bags, especially those Eagle Creek ones with all the pockets.

Cinthia Hamer said...

Mouse, IKWYM by going back to school...there's nothing like the endless possibilities you have in front of you with a new binder, paper and pens. I'd sit and play with them for hours in the days before school started! LOL!

I have a thing for gadgets. Especially kitchen gadgets. Citrus reamers, egg slicers, those funky long handled forks for spearing olives...I'm fascinated by them!

Michelle said...

Oh, going back to school was great - pens, paper, protractors, compasses.. did anyone else make those pretty patterns with their compass?

My 2 girls already have a huge collection of pens, pencils, crayons, and different types of paper!

Cinthia Hamer said...

I probably did, Michelle, but don't remember it.

Lately, I've been fighting the urge to buy this huge bucket of scissors at Costco. They're really cool b/c you can use them to make pretty edgings on paper. :) I have no earthly idea what I would use them for, however, so I've resisted the urge (for now).

The Book Fiend said...

Stationary supplies & books - I collect them obsessively to the point of overflowing shelves. And whenever I leave an office job, I leave with my body weight in office supplies.

I'm always in places like Staples - we have a wonderful big one just down the road from us & I tend to wander round there on a Saturday morning (oh Gods, I am SO sad!).

Books I end up with an ever-increasing list of unread books & I fear the day when I finish a book & realise I have nothing left unread - the thought sends me into a bit of a panic!

And yes, I made gorgeous patterns with my compass & also with that millimeter-squared paper we got in maths class...

I got halfway home tonight & realised I still had my pen from work tucked behind my ear. I have stolen it & it means I'll have to get a new one tomrrow morning!

Anonymous said...

My demon..... I have two.... books... and purses.. small ones big ones... ones that will hold the books....

Dh says i'm the Imelda Marcos of purses..... its a good thing he doesn't know about the books hidden in them.
